Restaurant and Bar

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La piccola colazione viene servita dalle 07.30 alle 10.30
Qui di seguito le nostre proposte accompagnate da un assortimento di panini, croissants, burro, marmellate, miele e Nutella.

Breakfast is served from 07.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
Herewith our proposals served with assortment of bread, croissants, butter, jam, honey and hazelnut cream.


Bevande calde / Hot beverage

Caffè americano / American Coffee
Caffè d’orzo / Barley Coffe
Te limone-latte / Tea with lemon or milk
Caffè latte / Coffee and milk
Caffè decaffeinato / Decaffeinated Coffee
Cioccolata / Hot chocolate

Bevande / Beverage
Succo d’arancia / Orange juice
Succo di pompelmo / Grapefruit juice
Spremuta fresca / Fresh juice
Acqua minerale naturale / Natural mineral water
Acqua minerale gasata / Sparkling mineral water

Prodotti freschi / Fresh products
Frutta fresca / Fresh fruit
Frutta sciroppata / Canned fruit
Yogurt magro / Plain low fat yoghurt
Yogurt alla frutta / Fruit yoghurt
Formaggi misti / Assorted cheeses
Affettati misti / Assorted cold cuts

I nostri cereali / Our cereals
Fiocchi di mais / Corn flakes
Crusca vitaminizzata / Vitaminized bran
Cereali / Cereals

Dal nostro forno / From our bakery
Pane bianco / White bread
Pane integrale / Whole grain
Pane ai cereali / Cereal bread
Pan carré / Toast bread
Focaccia ligure / Typical Ligurian focaccia

Dalla nostra cucina / From our kitchen
Bollite (à la coque) / Boiled egg
Fritte al bacon / Bacon and eggs
Uova strapazzate / Scrambled eggs
Omelette nature


La preghiamo cortesemente segnalare al nostro Maître eventuali intolleranze o allergie alimentari per proporLe prodotti specifici alternativi.

Please be so kind to inform our Maître in case of food allergies or intolerances in order to propose you some alternatives and specific products.